At the end of every school year we see the large trash cans in the halls get filled as lockers and backpacks are emptied.  And every year we see large quantities of recyclable or reusable school supplies get sent to our landfills.

In an effort to reduce the amount of solid waste produced at Senior and provide assistance to Rams in need of school supplies for fall, the AP Human Geography students are creating a voluntary program for students to recycle or donate their school supplies.

Each teacher will be asked to VOLUNTARILY participate by allowing APHG students to place a REUSE box in their classrooms.  These boxes are where students can put reusable school supplies (binders, notebooks, pens, markers, etc.).  Supplies do NOT need to be in brand new, pristine condition!  For example, a binder that has “Algebra 1” written on it, but is still in good shape and able to be used would be great!  However, a notebook that has no clean paper left in it should be put in the recycle bin.  If you or your students are unsure about the usability of an item, put it in the REUSE box – APHG students will sort the items and recycle what is determined to be unusable.

APHG classes will be creating posters, videos, and announcements to encourage students to participate in this program.  Collected supplies will be sorted, stored, and provided to students at fall registration.  We are working with National Honor Society to run a “store” for students to purchase these supplies at VERY low suggested donation (i.e. 25 cents for a binder).  Students unable to donate will NOT be denied supplies!  Funds collected through this process will be used to purchase permanent containers to continue this program in the future.

APHG students will collect materials placed in the REUSE boxes during 2nd and 6th periods on the following dates.  Boxes should be left outside the classroom door to minimize disruption of classes.

Thursday May 26

Friday May 27

Wednesday June 1

Thursday June 2


Parents are encouraged to send anything from home that could be reused.  Items may be turned in to any classroom box.  Additional boxes will available in Guidance and the LRC if that works easier for before school drop offs.