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What's New at Senior High School

Senior Graduation Reminders

Dubuque Senior High School Graduation 2017


Reminder dates to remember:

Senior Awards Night – May 15th  7:00 pm Dubuque Senior High School Auditorium

Seniors Last Day – May 24th… Please note this is a change in the school calendar


All school debts must be paid no later than Friday, May 12th


Seniors who want a final semester transcript sent to colleges, vocation schools or employers, must turn in a final request to Mrs. Norton, in the Business/Registrar’s Office, before May 24th .  If you have any questions regarding transcripts, please call 552-5525 or stop by the Business Office.


Caps and gowns will be distributed at graduation rehearsal at the Five Flags Center on June 2nd.   YOU MUST HAVE ALL DEBTS CLEARED (and all library books and textbooks turned in) TO RECEIVE YOUR CAP & GOWN.


Grades for seniors will be finalized on Thursday, May 25th at 1:00 pm.  Any senior who does not meet graduation requirements, will be notified.  SENIORS LACKING CREDITS FOR MEETING GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY.


All senior participating in commencement must report to Five Flags by 12:45 PM.  It is imperative that all graduating seniors be at this practice unless individually excused by Dr. Johnson.  If you are absent and have not contacted Dr. Johnson, you will NOT BE ALLOWED to participate in the graduation ceremony.


Report cards will be handed out at the commencement practice on June 2nd.  If you have any questions concerning any aspect of your report card, please contact your teacher or call Mr. Howes at 552-5510.


There will be a temptation to break file after graduating.  You will save a great deal of time and confusion, however, if you follow directions and maintain your spacing and lines until you are out of Five Flags.  DO NOT BE IN A HURRY; THIS IS YOUR TIME TO SHINE!!


As a service to graduates and parents, Lifetouch Photography, a professional photographer has been retained to photograph all graduates at the commencement ceremonies.  Pictures will be taken as the graduates receive their diplomas. Lifetouch will send you a descriptive brochure and instructions for ordering after the ceremony. Information regarding pictures will also be in their graduation envelope that they will receive at graduation rehearsal.  Our purpose in providing this service is two-fold.

First, to give you the opportunity to have a fine professional photo.  Secondly, to reduce confusion, distraction, and crowding around the stage during the graduation ceremony, there will be an area on the right side of the stage for family and friends to take photos.  We ask that these family members and friends return to their seats immediately after taking pictures.


Students are to wear appropriate clothing for this special event.  For women, this would mean a dress or slacks and for men, a dress shirt and dress pants.  Attire will be subject to administrative approval.  If you have not met the expectations listed here or do not demonstrate appropriate behavior, you may be denied the opportunity to participate in the ceremony.


Family and friends will want to allow extra travel time to avoid traffic and parking problems.  There will be no limitation on seating.  Five Flags personnel have asked that we remind you not to reserve seats by placing programs, coats, etc. on chairs.  The Fifth Street parking ramp will have plenty of parking spaces.  If you are in need of handicapped accessible seating Five Flags does reserve a section for that need (which would include the person in need and one more person) it will not be for the whole family.  Arrive early to guarantee your seat.


Non-participants may pick up their diplomas and cap and gown on Monday, June 5th in the Business Office.  DIPLOMAS WILL NOT BE MAILED.

If you have any questions please contact Mrs. McCaw at 552-5503.


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April 2017 Digital Fringe Gallery

The April 2017 edition of Digital Fringe, an online gallery of student art in the Dubuque Community School District, is now live!

View the Middle and High School Gallery

This gallery is a way to highlight the remarkable products of art education in the district. It’s a digital attempt at bringing the work of our student artists at all levels into your home – because art is created for others to take in.

7th- and 12th-Grade Vaccination Requirement

An administrative rule change by the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH), Bureau of Immunization, REQUIRES MENINGOCOCCAL (A, C, W, Y) VACCINE FOR STUDENTS ENROLLING IN 7TH AND 12TH GRADES in addition to other vaccination requirements.

Read More about “7th- and 12th-Grade Vaccination Requirement”

Get TEXT ALERTS from Dubuque Schools!

To better inform our families about schedule changes, the Dubuque Community School District will begin offering text messaging for weather-related and emergency alerts from the district. The service is offered through School Messenger, the system the district currently uses for mass email messages and automated phone calls.


  • On TUESDAY, FEB. 21, between approximately 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. all phone numbers on file for families and staff will receive a text message asking them to opt in.
  • If your phone has SMS or text messaging capability, you will receive the initial message.
  • When you receive this text, REPLY “Yes” or “Y” to confirm that you’d like to continue receiving text messages.
  • That’s it! You will then receive text messages for weather and emergency alerts.
  • You can opt out of these text messages at any time by replying to one of our messages with “Stop”.

PLEASE NOTE: The district will only use text messages for weather-related or emergency purposes, not for general district information. Subscribers are responsible for any applicable text messaging charges from their carrier.

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December 2016 Digital Fringe Gallery

The December 2016 edition of Digital Fringe, an online gallery of student art in the Dubuque Community School District, is now live!

View the High School Gallery

This gallery is a way to highlight the remarkable products of art education in the district. It’s a digital attempt at bringing the work of our student artists at all levels into your home – because art is created for others to take in.



February 13, 2017

Boys/Girls Track and Field
Track teams are in season and subject to team rules and expectations for attendance during spring break.

March 13, 2017

**This is also the start of DCSD Spring Break—if you are unable to be at practice this week you MUST contact your coach**

Boys Soccer
Boys soccer will have two-a-days for the first week of practice/tryouts.  First round of cuts will be made on Friday, March 17, followed by another round of cuts on Wednesday, March 22.

Boys/Girls Tennis
Cuts will be made this week – not being able to be there may have an impact on those decisions.

Girls Golf
Practice will begin on March 13

March 20, 2017

Girls Soccer

Meet Brittany Smith, TMOT 2016 Top Female Leader!

Brittany Smith, Senior, travelled to St Louis, Missouri for the Town Meeting Of Tomorrow 2016 Conference and was recognized as the Top Female Leader at the conference.  Take time to read her follow up on her experience representing the Rams in the community and beyond!

TMOT Michael and Brittany

What kinds of activities did you participate in at the conference?

The conference activities centered on three main themes; Addressing the issues facing modern society, Self-discovery, and team building. It was a fun and challenging four days but I am a better person for having attended.

When we arrived at the hotel in St. Louis we were divided into seven random teams. My team known as “Hot Pink” was made up of 10 students from all across the country, each with his or her own background, ability, and perspective. The first formal activity was a team building experience called the TMOT Olympics. This activity involved various mental and physical events set in a friendly competitive environment. While working through these challenges we came to know and trust one another, we learned of each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and most importantly, learned how to overcome our individual differences for the good of the group.

TMOT Pink Group

That same night, there was another community building activity to help get to know one another better in a safe and comfortable environment. It was also the only night I actually got to bed before midnight.

The next day started off with more team building followed by an interview session. Our interview involved spending 15 minutes with various members of the St. Louis community talking about leadership, society, and other related topics. We then dove into our first “self-discovery” workshop in which we slowly discovered what was most important to us in regard to goals, people, and possessions. We listed our priorities for each category and then we were directed to methodically narrow the list. Through this process I learned what really mattered to me and that I wasn’t focusing my time on what I had identified as important.

Once our self-assessments were complete we formed groups and were asked to address some of the issues facing our world today. In this exercise we were split into six groups and were assigned different problems related to high school. The topic for our group was “stereotyping”. We were tasked with finding a solution to stereotyping in school, the behaviors that accompany it, and ways to prevent it in the future. Our group came to a consensus on a mission statement and a stepped approach to address the issue. While we were working through the details of our solution we learned that another group had the same topic and we were asked to come together and combine our ideas. We came together forming a group totaling 25 kids and attempted to reach consensus. Fortunately, everyone was very receptive, responsive, and contributed to our “safe space environment”. This was when the magic happened. We presented our ideas to the full group and got feedback from our peers to better our plan. At that moment I knew that I wasn’t “in Kansas anymore” because the level of respect and maturity displayed by each student in attendance was unbelievable. Everyone’s unique ideas and perspectives were valued and used toward the benefit of the group. It was an enlightening experience to say the least.

The last of the activities on the agenda for the night was a dance in one of the hotel ballrooms. I stopped by and let loose with some friends, then met up with “Ohio”. The Ohio group and I hit it off very quickly and we wound up spending much of the night sharing stories and throwing goldfish.

The next morning arrived after a solid four hours of sleep but I was ready to go because of the inspiration of my peers. We took busses to the beautiful Washington University and spent time exploring the campus and taking pictures before the next activity; an introspective exercise designed to help each student develop a one-minute elevator speech outlining their goals and abilities.

Next, a group of political science enthusiasts (myself included) were pulled aside and informed that we were to facilitate the next workshop. Earlier in the conference each student had written down three things that they wanted to talk about regarding our nation’s current situation, and after the votes were tallied the discussion topics were identified as equality, economics, and the current political system. This experience was one of the most unique challenges I faced at the Town Meeting on Tomorrow. I was no longer the student leading the discussion and sharing my opinion but rather was there as a moderator, a person whose opinion was unknown and sole purpose was to help others express their views. This workshop changed me in a matter of hours. I quickly realized I had a talent for helping others believe in themselves and become better than they thought they ever could be. It was truly inspiring to see such an opinionated group discuss taboo topics in a productive and respectful manner. It filled me with hope not only for my future but for the future of our country and our world.

After an amazing dinner at the chancellor of Washington University’s house, we returned to our hotel for the TMOT talent extravaganza. This event featured traditional talents such as singing and dancing along with the more unique talents such as a political skit and hypnosis. We had a great time but we soon realized that the time was passing far too quickly. Suffice to say we had another late night to take advantage of every second we had together.

On our final full day, we engaged in team building activities that helped us to realize how close we had become in just a matter of days. I was blindfolded and guided by my team with complete faith that they wouldn’t let me fall. That night we traded out our sweatshirts for suits and dresses for our awards banquet where they announced the top male and female leaders of the conference. I was honored to be recognized as the top female leader for TMOT 2016, especially given the caliber of the group from which I was chosen. We celebrated and exchanged some “congratulations” for a bit but it wasn’t long before we were all back in our sweats and t-shirts, enjoying each other’s company and making every moment of the night last.

TMOT was truly a life changing event for us all. We came together as individuals but left as a group of friends bound by a burning desire to make our world a better place. Personally, I came away with many great memories and a better understanding of myself and my role in society. I connected with a great group of people and that connection lives on in the form of a group chat that sees at least 200 texts a day. It was truly an honor and a privilege to be associated with such a talented and caring group of students who were able to recognize and celebrate individual accomplishments while building each other up when we needed it the most. I am a better person for having experienced TMOT 2016 and look forward to paying forward what was given to me during the experience.

How were you able to display your leadership skills at the conference?

When I arrived at the Town Meeting on Tomorrow I joined a group of students who exemplified drive, dedication, and leadership. Each of us brought unique experiences, perspectives, and resumes. One of my peers summed it up perfectly, “When you’re used to being on top it is hard to walk into a room full of people just like you”. We all came to realize we were no longer the best or the brightest but rather we were a part of a talented and somewhat intimidating assemblage of individuals. This realization knocked down our pride and hurt a bit but those feelings were quickly replaced by a feeling of belonging and purpose as we got to know one another.

As the event unfolded I found myself rising as a leader among leaders. I was able to quickly understand the group and the high caliber students within, the good and the bad. Of course, everyone had wonderful abilities and stories, but the group also had its faults. Many times the louder voices would be heard over the softer ones and occasionally there were power struggles within the activities. After identifying these challenges, I was able to facilitate for my peers and to help people be heard and have their opinions equally valued.

My understanding of leadership was both affirmed and challenged during this event. I learned leadership is not just having people follow but rather empowering people to speak up and speak out. The students around me had bright ideas and opinions that sometimes just needed a safe and open space to be heard. My most life changing example of this was on the third day when I, among others, took on the role of moderator in a group discussion about our nation’s current situation. Rather than leading in the “traditional” sense, my sole purposes were to facilitate conversation, ask neutral questions to further the dialogue, and help students discover their own voices. I had no idea the profound impact this could have until, during one of the discussions I was moderating, a student in the group stated she “never knew how passionately she felt about national issues”. This single discovery and leadership moment made the conference worth every second of missed school and makeup work. I had made an impact and perhaps more importantly, so had she.

Over the course of the weekend I had the honor of having this same effect on many of the other students that I met and found that my leadership style lends well to a multitude of groups and environments. My goal was to help those around me, but little did I know how this experience and the people I encountered would have such a profound impact on me.

What impact has the DAYLC and TMOT experience had on you (and your leadership)?

DAYLC and TMOT completely changed me both as a person and as a leader. Throughout my life, I have always been identified as a leader but I never really understood why or what it meant. I struggled to understand why people thought I was “special”. Being exposed to other students who were equal in talent and ability finally made it clear. I learned that even in a group of leaders I have the ability to assess the skills and perspectives around me and motivate the group to become better than the sum of its parts.

Beyond this, I have learned how to lead and teach high caliber groups of students which is especially important for me this year. I will be traveling the country as an International Thespian Officer and will teach over 25 workshop sessions to students across the nation. My experiences and growth from DAYLC and TMOT have prepared me immensely for this next journey.

Overall, these experiences have served to instill in me a desire to be an agent for positive change. I have learned that while leadership takes on many faces and is demonstrated in many ways, at its core it has to be founded on a commitment to help and to give. It has instilled in me a desire to mentor the leaders of tomorrow and bring voice to those who might otherwise not be heard. DAYLC and the TMOT organization are doing incredible work to empower and prepare our world’s future leaders and I want to do the same for future generations. I have already spoken to the DAYLC board about staying involved with the process and giving back to their amazing program. My goal is to have a lasting positive impact on the people, and the world around me and through organizations like DAYLC and TMOT I am confident this goal will become a reality.


Brittany Smith
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Student Artwork Featured in Digital Fringe

The October edition of Digital Fringe, an online gallery of student art in the Dubuque Community School District, is now live!

View the Elementary School Gallery

View the Middle and High School Gallery

This gallery is a way to highlight the remarkable products of art education in the district. It’s a digital attempt at bringing the work of our student artists at all levels into your home – because art is created for others to take in.